After the events of January 6th, 2021, I had a lot of words swirling in my mind. Some I’ve shared here & on Instagram. One phrase I kept hearing was the Biblical phrase, “for such a time as this.” It’s a familiar phrase, but it’s context struck in a new way in light of current […]
Feelings and Work: Finding Balance with Compassion
Welcome back to From the Journal Fridays, where I share thoughts from my large collection of journals and notebooks. Today, let’s talk about finding balance between our feelings & work in compassion. Yes, this is the exact same journal from last week. Except it’s not. I’m a creature of habit. I had 3 of these […]
this is what He meant.
“what you spoke is now unfolding” —elevation worship, Fullness Will you believe that of this season? That was his question to me, driving to work this morning, singing and eyes flooding with tears, yet somehow (miraculously) not streaming and blinding me. Will you believe it? I Voxered a friend later in the day and almost […]
How then shall we live?
reflections in Ezekiel 33-34. The last time the Lord called Ezekiel a watchman over the house of Israel was when He called him: when the Lord set him on his feet, set His Spirit in his bones, and said, “Speak what I say to you, no matter what they hear or refuse to hear.” He […]
love the hills more
from December 2015– Most of [Jesus’] ministry was performed in the towns and cities by the seashore, but He loved the hills more and at nightfall would frequently seclude Himself in their peaceful heights. [In the same way], every life that desires to be strong must have its “Most Holy Place” (Ex. 26.33) into which […]
a victory song.
You’ve told us we’re prepared, ready, equipped for battle. You’ve spoken promises over us, and you’ve sung your song of deliverance. You’ve surrounded us with your refrain: “I AM the LORD, who brings you our of Egypt, to give you the land of promise.” But we’re your people of promise— far more precious to you. […]