I am a first-responder-friend. A friend who always wants to makes the first move, send the first text, be there when the others disappear. It’s just in my heart to want to be there, perhaps because I spent so many years without having anyone be there, without having anyone to be there for, without letting anyone […]
weighty intimacy
We can only really begin to feel the weight of our circumstances when we let others in on them. Three years ago, I wasn’t letting people in. On the details, yes. On the big picture, definitely. On my heart, no. On my emotions, not even close. On my depths, never. Or so I thought. I […]
I’m having trouble beginning this post because this week has been so full. So full. Of relationships, tears, prayers, vulnerable moments. I’ve sat on my couch just watching the rain and thinking about gold. I’ve sat at kitchen tables and talked too much. I’ve sat at a well-worn dinner table and been floored by community. […]