God’s people were given a resting place, a land that they could call their own. He gave them victory after victory over their enemies, and led them into the land to rest from all the striving that slavery and war had brought them. But they soon were restless. They looked at surrounding nations and the […]
I found myself in tears a few nights ago; fresh off a FaceTime date, I open my emails to two reminders of things I’m longing for, things I’m desperate for—to go and to write. My heart wavers in belief towards them both. Yes, I’m in the middle of going—the exact middle of my term, in fact. […]
He still speaks to us.
Only God can speak of sin, guilt, and judgement, yet in the same breath speak so tenderly of His past deeds and love that He has steadfastly shown to His people. Only He can chastise yet speak of covenant acts that binds Him even still to His people who have long-since forsaken the very same […]
2 months later, and it’s time for another word from the Lord. The people’s work seems to have progressed to the point where there are again priests in the Temple, studying, teaching, and keeping the law. So that’s where the Lord sends Haggai, to ask the priests about the law. He asks them about how […]
covenant experience and expectation
There’s urgency in His voice as He meets with Haggai and again prepares him to speak to the leaders and the people alike. There’s urgency in His word, as He speaks to their feeble, fearful hearts. It’s been over a month since they began rebuilding, since their steps of obedience and rightly-placed, fearing perspective began. […]
the alabaster woman
I am broken at your feet, poured out before you now I have nothing left to give so empty Yet this is where praise begins it fills the spaces between the shards of my shattered heart this is where worship comes and makes brokenness beautiful and penetrates the emptiest places in me She heard that […]