This journal was one of my work journals from the time I spent in India. It holds notes for re-writing and teaching a curriculum that taught women their worth and value to God. It is a journal that I hold dear, because of all the hard work it represents. Hard work when I didn’t feel […]
May We Choose Trust
Colossians 3 is more about trust than giving us a to-do list. Read more, straight from my journal below. This is a new series, originally appearing on my Instagram. 4/29/2020Colossians 3.1-4 Christ has become my life in dying with me and leading me to resurrection life by the power & authority he has over death […]
widen your hearts
Three nights before graduation, my heart burst open. The tears took me straight to my knees as five years worth of emotions caught up with me in one rush. I cupped my face in my hands, I rocked back and forth, and I felt each moment wash over me. Solely because I had asked a […]